A new project

Ich brauche ein neues Projekt. Und ich habe es gefunden! Local London, here we go.

I mentioned wanting to follow a personal project again. Something besides my everyday work, something that I am excited about. And I was thinking a lot about that. What do I really want to do? What’s helpful? What’s exciting enough to get me to spend time on it after a day of work? And there it was: Local London.

Local London is not a project I came up with. It’s a project Harry and his former colleague and friend Rozzy started at the beginning of lockdown in March 2020. A website where you would find all the local producers and makers in one place that would deliver their goods to your home. So that you could continue enjoying your favourite foods whilst keeping safe and supporting the local economy.

The website (and Instagram account) were off to a great start and got a good amount of traffic. But as Lockdown came to an end, everything started opening up again and Rozzy and Harry got quite busy with work, the project Local London slowed down. So much so that it came to that point where they were unsure what to do with it. This uncertainty met my desire for a project. I loved the idea of Local London from the start and didn’t want it to just disappear somewhere in the www. Rozzy and Harry were happy to take me on board and so I sat down and started thinking about how to go about it and what the first steps should be.